Truck inspection training

A truck simulator that doesn’t need pedals. Because this training isn’t meant for driving trucks, but about preparing them in a correct and responsible manner.

“A good preparation contributes to a safe workday.”

The challenge

Together with Midpoint Brabant we strive to make learning and working in the logistics sector smarter, safer and more fun. An accurate inspection can help prevent potentially dangerous situations, property damage and even accidents. To practice inspection protocols in a hands-on way, we needed to develop a smart and intuitive learning method.

Our solution

This VR inspection training teaches drivers to prepare their vehicle and cargo in a responsible manner. They go through all the preparation protocols in a VR simulation and have to decide whether their vehicles are ready to hit the road, or not.

Productive failure

If participants make any mistakes, they’ll see the potential consequences of their actions explained in animations. This makes drivers more aware of what even a single inspection mistake could cause in a worst case scenario. That way, even mistakes are turned into valuable learning moments.

Well-thought-out answers

During the inspection the participant doesn’t just approve or disapprove the different aspects of the vehicle, but also has to provide a reason to do so. This really makes your drivers think, creating even greater awareness.

Completely simulated environment

In the inspection training, participants perform an inspection on two completely simulated trucks. This draws the attention to various important aspects, such as cargo, documentation, cabin, lighting and the coupling of the trailer.

Practice makes perfect

The trucks in this training are dynamically generated. Sometimes they’ll be in perfect shape, and ready to go. But other times they’ll definitely need to be disapproved. Even the reasons why can differ in each training session. That way, drivers can always retry the training without getting the exact same exercises. This makes it a great tool to practice regularly. Even more so because they can do the training (partially) on their own.

"A great way to gain practical knowledge and keep it up to date!"

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